Does an electricity distribution company have to be an expert on information technology?
No if it does not want to be one.
No if it wishes to achieve savings and operate more affordably.
No if it outsources the expertise.
No when it chooses Emtele as its partner.
Emtele Fiksu verkko™ – cost-effective reliability for your needs
As the world’s first service provider in the energy sector offering GMaaS (Grid Management as a Service), Emtele is a specialist in network grid automation. Its Fiksu verkko™ GMaaS revolutionizes the way we have thought about constructing and managing the technology required for electricity distribution.
You tell us what you expect for your technology and what would increase the reliability of your network, and we will tell you how we can make that happen and what we can offer you, along with our recommendations for cost-saving measures. Let us survey your requirements together and utilize our competence to the extent that is reasonable for your activities. A win-win situation.
Why buy technology if you could just buy the benefits offered by the technology and save money?
The best competence in the sector industry is now available in the form of a reliable, developing, and scalable service.
The available options are:
Doing and learning everything yourself as well as assuming the related risks in terms of the development, recruitment, maintenance of professional skills, and the success of the entire project.
Purchasing services from several different providers and handling the integration yourself.
This entails risks arising from the distribution of responsibilities if everything is not “just so”. Significant responsibilities, high workload, and major risks with limited savings if any.
Availability for electricity distribution with all production methods.
We have divided our solution for two different needs:
1. Fiksu verkko™ GMaaS – for the needs of effective energy production and transfer
2. Fiksu verkko™ Solar & Wind – for the requirements of new solar & wind farms
Emtele –
a promise of availability
In typical Finnish fashion, our desire to cooperate is straightforward. We demand a lot from ourselves –
and offer it all to our customers.
Our promises are concrete, and we will deliver on them. Our experience has shown that this allows for healthy customer relationships.
For all communication connections you want using, we promise
99,96 %
availability (monthly average)
mobile connections (eliminates the need for underground optic fiber cables)
In practice, it is reasonable to ensure this level of reliability of service for all critical sites.
Fiksu Verkko™ GMaaS is the most cost-effective reliability solution for electrical networks in the world
It creates electrical networks that function more effectively and
reliably by offering:
Automation and ICT network design
Individual surveys of technologies and required measures in cooperation with you. The option to utilize the best technologies on the market
The option to utilize the best technologies on the market
Expertise that allows us to choose the technical solutions that are most suitable for your needs.
Troubleshooting with a single responsible party
Everything is easy as long as the wheel keep rolling and things work as planned. But this is where the differences begin to appear. The mere determination of responsibilities can often be a time-consuming and expensive process.
Technological investments
Financing and the technologies you need.
+ Operation
Consulting, installation and deployment, maintenance,
24/7 support, life cycle management.
Contact us
Let us know what would increase the reliability of your network and we will tell you how we can make it happen.
Reduced expenses through
uninterrupted electricity distribution
Can real-time understanding of the network situation and its development be increased? How much of your profits are you willing to sacrifice due to power failures?
Our experience has shown that increased understanding of the network situation is seen directly in profitability (through service security).
Technical needs are changing faster than ever
Automation and digital transformation are increasing the speed and accuracy required from technology.
Network maintenance is becoming more and more critical, and outages are looked at with increased criticism. In addition, the increase in decentralized energy production is imposing new requirements on the electrical network, as electricity is increasingly moving in both directions.
Our life cycle management model offers a solution to the increasing complexity of technology and the ever-accelerating pace of change. A maintenance contract with us will ensure that functionality is implemented using the latest technologies throughout the agreement period. This means that it is always kept current.
A smart grid or GMaaS (Grid Management as a Service)?
Smart solutions may comprise of investments and protection against all risks, whereas GMaaS exists in the world of circumstances and probabilities: what level of preparation is sufficient and what is reasonable in your specific case.
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